

It was a very unforgettable experience to operate my first flight to Cairns .  


I was serving in Business Class to and from Cairns this time, so the job was easy for both sectors. As for the crews in Economy Class, they barely had time to rest because their passengers were so difficult to handle and quite demanding, which is common to most of New Zealand and Australian flights. For this Cairns flight, I was so lucky to work with a super nice male ISM, an easygoing Hong Kong FP and a Philippine SP; in addition, many of the J-Class passengers chose to sleep instead of requesting things to eat or drink, so this flight was a good one to me.


When in Cairns , instead of going out with other crew members for fun, I opted to do some outings alone with my camera, enjoying beautiful views and great local food. That’s way too relaxing. Some of crews signed up together for snorkeling and cruise after we reached our hotel; but for me, well, since it’s my first time to come to Cairns, I’d better get familiar with everything here first before I give deeper exploration in Cairns a try next time when I come back again.  



When it comes to Australia , what pops into our mind is the big cities such as Sydney , Melbourne , Brisbane , etc. But have you heard about Cairns ? Yes, the world-famous Great Barrier Reef is mainly specific to Cairns, a tropical resort and the third most popular tourist city after Sydney and Gold Coast, where is home to a variety of marine activities. Cairns is rich in natural resources, including rainforest, ocean, and parks, forming a number of tourist spots in this small regional city in Queensland , Australia . “ Great Barrier Reef ” is just around the corner. But what the hell is the Great Barrier Reef ? Let me tell you about it in short in the following paragraph. If you want to know more about it, I suggest that you “personally” experience and find it out.  


大堡礁是世界上最大的珊瑚礁群,包含了兩千九百個大小礁島,綿延伸展可達2,600公里 (據報導,它比英國還大喔)。大堡礁在外太空可以看見,它是世上由活有機體所建構成的最大的單一構造體,由數十億以上稱為珊瑚蟲的有機小生物組成,時間長達六十萬年之久。在大堡礁內和其附近有數千種類的魚及其牠海洋生物棲息,形成了多彩的大堡礁景觀。 

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reef and islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometers (it is reportedly larger than England ). The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space and is the world's biggest single structure made by living organisms. This reef structure is composed of and built by billions of tiny organisms, known as coral polyps have built the reef over the last 600,000 years. There are thousands of species of fishes and other marine creatures inhabited in and around the Reef, making a colorful Reef landscape.  



You know what, there are millions of tourists traveling on the Great Barrier Reef every year. Many local tour companies in the Cairns region offer organized tours to the Great Barrier Reef . If you want to make a trip to Cairns , you can try snorkeling, scuba diving, day cruises, scenic helicopter flight, or skyrail cables. (There are many one-day, two-day, or three-day packages for you to choose from, which combines marine activities, cruise and dining) 

(網路照 Pics from the Internet)



The following websites are for those who want to visit Cairns :  



Come to Cairns to enjoy the tropical and oceanic experience.


My room, looking out of which is the beautiful sea and beach.


Having Portuguese chicken meals with crew in Nando's. The food is awesome.  


Restaurants in the city of Cairns  


Strolling on the Boardwalk of Esplanade.  

Esplanade區內除了有不少烤肉區和常可看到不少表演節目外,位於Main Plaza的人造海水浴場-Lagoon也是吸引遊客前來玩水、做日光浴的勝地喔!  

In the area of Esplanade, there are many barbecue sites for people to have fun barbecuing and shows for people to watch and participate in. In addition, the man-made beach resort-Lagoon located in the Main Plaza is also a prime spot attracting 


I suddenly found some very special snacks in a store. Besides the common Beef Jerky, there are even Crocodile Jerky, Kangaroo Jerky, and Emu Jerky on sale. Yuk~Will you try them?  

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