承續前一篇,費話不多說,以下就讓俺以圖文並茂的方式向大家簡單介紹這類單眼隨身機中的明星—Samsung EX1。
All right! To continue the previous article about EX1, let’s cut the nonsense and let me briefly illustrate the star of the compact DSLR-like camera—Samsung EX1.
** 以下的相片都沒有用到閃光燈喔,EX1夠強吧!**
No flash was used for taking the pictures below. EX1 is amazing, isn’t it!
【註:因為EX1的光圈夠大,所以進光量夠,因此在光線不會太過暗的情況下不用閃燈一樣可以拍出亮麗照片(光線極不足之情況下還是要調高ISO值輔助,EX1的ISO質只要調超過四百以上就開始會有雜訊顆粒產生喔)。另外,光圈大還有個好處,就是相對快門也會跟著變快,EX1有這兩項優勢加持,在拍夜景時即使不用腳架也可快速將美麗夜景補捉下來,因可避免掉晃動之故(配合相機上方轉盤的雙重防手震夜拍更加理想說)。但如果欲利用M全手動曝光或S快門先決模式來拉長快門拍特殊照時,光圈會因此較慢縮放,這段期間只要一晃動到就會產生模糊現像,因此腳架在這種需求下使用是必要的。再者,因為EX1採用的是高檔的CCD感光元件,可大大減少雜訊和提高畫質,讓照片比一般相機所拍攝的更加銳利】 ** 隨身(相)機是目前大家都掛在嘴邊,形容輕巧、方便攜帶的相機(尤指數位相機)。那麼「隨身機」的英文怎麼說呢?可以用easy-to-carry compact (digital) camera、或直接說是compact (digital) camera、或者也可以稱之為pocket camera (因為小得可以放入口袋嘛)。
The purchase of a filter adapter is optional. The adapter allows users to connect the camera with other accessories such as UV filter, Neutral Density Filter (ND Filter), Polarizing Filter (PL Filter)、or 18mm wide-angle lens. I bought a UV filter and use it as a protection lens. I am also considering a 18mm wide-angle lens, but it costs 4 thousand something. So, I will think about it.
The 3-inch swiveling AMOLED screen is brighter and sharper than traditional LCD screens. Thus, EX1 is very useful for self-shot and the view on its screen can be easily seen from many angles.
The lens is German’s top three lens brand- Schneider-KREUZNACH( besides Leica and Carl Zeiss)
多轉盤設計讓操控更直接和方便。相機前方上頭有個轉輪可調快門(適用於S和M),相機上方有兩個轉盤可供選擇所需的功能模式、相機後方轉盤除了可以當做如:設定ISO質、微距模式選擇、瀏覽相片…等多重功能外,也可用來調整光圈(適用於A和M)。One-touch的攝影按鈕可讓使用者直接開始和結束攝影功能喔! Multiple-dial design makes photographing control easier. A front dial for changing the shutter speed (applicable in S and M modes). The dual control dials on top for selecting appropriate modes, rear wheel for the aperture (applicable in A and M modes)and buttons for setting the ISO, macro setting, browsing photos and other key options. The one-touch movie record button allows users to start and stop recording a film directly.
Close-ups~Professional, isn’t it!
Applying the “Vignetting” mode of Smart Filter
Night shots. When taking things with lights at night, if you slow down the Shutter speed and decrease Aperture value, you may create a fascinating sparkling effect (better via M mode).
Other shots
There are many other very useful functions in EX1. If you are interested in this type of camera, you are highly suggested to buy one and have fun with it. Richard, Jane, A-Ji, Sandy, Shirley, Mingo…please allow me to use EX1 first before G3 or G4 is introduced. My dear blogger friends, let’s pray together for GF3 or GF 4’ s emergence ASAP.