I felt quite happy to have finally had a chance to see the first batch of Hong Kong-based new Taiwanese joiners after they underwent a fierce competition during the recruitment session and were carefully chosen by my company to be a part of the crew member of my company.
Invited and charged with the task of welcoming the new Taiwanese joiners by our seniors, in order to pass down the good tradition of an informal and casual “orientation”, some of us Taiwanese crew members who had free time took part in a few of so-called “small gatherings” to share these freshman with our experience and knowledge so they may have basic ideas on how to adjust themselves to their new life and work in Hong Kong.
** 首句「Invited and charged with…., some of us Taiwanese crew members…」的原句是Because some of us Taiwanese crew members were invited and charged with…., some of us Taiwanese crew members…因為副詞子句和逗點後的主要子句主詞相同,所以省略副詞子句Because…的主詞並將副詞子句改成分詞構句的方式à去掉開頭的副詞、去掉主詞、動詞主動用ing,被動用p.p.
It was my first time to meet the initial batch of the newly-recruited Taiwanese juniors on the night of the day before yesterday. As for the previously-held casual gatherings, I did not get a chance to participate in because I happened to be on-duty and busy. The day before yesterday was the first day that these juniors arrived in Hong Kong and were arranged for their accommodations. That was also my first day that I could take a deep breath and hailed the following 2 day-offs after a couple of days of the annual “brush-up training” of the company. Well, to put our best foot forward as to greeting and welcoming these cute juniors, some of my Taiwanese colleagues and I joined their “house-warming” party, in which we were all talking nineteen to the dozen in relation to their new living and working environment.
The juniors were so polite and hospitable that they killed the fatted calf by offering a selection of drinks and refreshments for all of us and showed their best courtesy from time to time during our conversations. They raised numerous questions and my colleagues and I of course tried our best to answer and give advice for them. Putting ourselves into their shoes and recalling those inexperienced old days, we felt quite happy to offer our knowledge and experience to them least they should make the same mistakes just like what we had done before and to help them quickly get used to the life here in Hong Kong.
On the second day, since I was also free, I then showed them around Tuen Mung Town Plaza (the nearest shopping mall from Gold Coast), in which the juniors could shop for their daily necessities. My colleagues and I guided them to familiarize with the transportation tools, to apply Octopus cards, and to where they could get what they need. Well, not more different than these juniors, on our first arrival in Hong Kong before, we also carried lots of baggage with many stuff inside, but still felt insufficient and then do further shopping for more goods afterwards. LOL~ Poor juniors that they only have two free days to take a good rest, do house cleaning, and go shopping before the coming weeks of intense orientation and cabin crew training sessions. For them, these lengthy and tiring training sessions could perhaps be a fate worse than death; however, after surviving the sessions, they will become qualified and professional flight attendant and will definitely be proud of themselves. Go for it my future new colleagues. ** 所謂的「八達通卡(Octopus card)」是香港如同我們捷運卡一樣的便利卡,儲值後可用來搭各式交通工具,當然~也可用來在超市和便利商店買東西和其它消費用途呢,很方便說!希望我們台灣的捷運卡也可以越做越便利。 ** go + Ving常用來表「休閒」的活動,後方變成Ving的動詞常是「表休閒活動」的動詞,如:go boating:划船去;go fishing:釣魚去;go hiking:徤行去;go skiing:滑雪去…等。