

Picture source from: abc NEWS / International








1.Foreign search teams rush to Japan after earthquake  

International search and rescue teams rushed to Japan yesterday in the wake of a massive magnitude 8.9 earthquake and crushing tsunami. South Korea sent five rescue workers and two sniffer dogs, while its foreign ministry said 120 relief workers, medical personnel and three military transport planes were on standby if needed. Several Taiwan International Emergency Rescue Team groups were also ready to leave for Japan as officials in Taipei continued to contact their Japanese counterparts to offer assistance for rescue efforts.Taipei Times (on-line):March 13, 2011





2.Fears of Japan nuclear meltdown rise

The tsunami that followed the 8.9-magnitude earthquake wreaked havoc along a huge stretch of Japan's north-east coast, sweeping far inland and devastating a number of towns and villages. Powerful aftershocks are continuing to hit the region.

Japanese officials have ordered anyone living within 20km (12 miles) of the Fukushima nuclear power plant to evacuate the area. A large explosion and feared meltdown has occurred in one of its buildings and some radiation leakage has been detected. If the Japanese authorities act swiftly, they should be able to minimize the cost to human health. BBC Nwes (on-line):March 12~13, 2011


規模8.9的地震所帶來的海嘯重創日本的東北沿岸地區,大片內陸土地慘遭海嘯吞噬,許多房舍和村莊遭受嚴重的破壞。強大的餘震依然持續侵襲當地。日本官員下令居住在福島核電場外圍 二十公里 (12哩)範圍內的居民必須撤離。其中一座核電廠的廠房發生大爆炸以及恐怖的核子反應爐爐心熔毀,並偵測出一些輻射外洩的情形。如果日本有關當局可盡速處理,便得以將對人類健康造成的影嚮降到最小。BBC新聞 (網上新聞):2011-03-12~13


3.Death toll rises amid widespread destruction  

An 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit northern Japan this Friday, triggering tsunamis that sent a wave filled with boats and houses toward land. According to Japan's Kyodo News, the magnitude of the devastating quake was revised upward on Sunday from 8.8 to 9.0, making it one of the largest in history, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. The death toll has climbed to 763. There are 639 missing and 1419 injured, according to Japan 's national police agency. BBC Nwes (on-line):March 13, 2011 


日本本週五發生規模8.9的強震,並掀起了一場海嘯,大浪將船隻和房舍捲至內陸。日本『京都新聞』的消息指出,日本氣象局表示,此毀滅性8.9強震的強度於本週日上修至9.0,成為日本史上最大的地震。據日本『警察廳』的統計,死亡人數上升到763人,另有639人失蹤、1419人受傷。BBC新聞 (網上新聞):2011-03-13


4.Quake and tsunami hit Japan  

The death toll is expected to soar today as rescuers reach the worst-hit areas around Sendai , 300 kilometers north of Tokyo . Some 6,000 residents near a nuclear station at Fukushima , close to Sendai , were evacuated. Through all the chaos and panic, many people stranded in Tokyo tried to reach out through internet. South Morning China Post: March 13, 2011


在搜救人員抵達距離東京北部300公里之遙的仙台市附近受創最嚴重的地區時,死亡人數今日預估將會激升。約有 6,000位居於離仙台市不遠處的福島核電廠居民已被撤離。這些種種隨之而來的混亂與恐慌,使得不少在東京感到無助的民眾試圖透過網路向外界聯繫。南華早報:2011-3-12



5.Tsunami causes horrific destruction  

Japan was hit on Friday by the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the country, triggering a vast tsunami that devastated parts of its north-eastern coast. The wall of water that washed over coastal towns, carrying whole communities with it, left at least 1,000 dead, according to Japanese media reports. Financial Times: March 12, 2011




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