It's so unforgettable to have flown the 408 fligt for the first time.
The 9-day annual leave has just past in a blink of an eye. After returning to Hong Kong, I had to operate the legendarily tiring 408 flight before I had enough rest in Hong Kong . Well, I could not help but grind and bear it. Luckily, the flight turned out to be another smooth one, during which a hilariously embarrassing event also happened to me in-flight.
Why is the 408 flight extensively lashed by other crew? I think this is mostly because the flight is a super tiring Taipei overnight flight. The arrival time at Taipei is almost 12 a .m. and it nearly strikes 2 a .m. when we finish taking a shower after we get to the hotel. Early in the morning, everyone has to get up around 9 or 10 a .m. in order to prepare for flying the more than 7 hours Tokyo turnaround flight. Little wonder that 99% crew, whenever rostered 408, would struggle to swap it away (the remaining 1% might supposedly be quite into the enjoyment of being abused); while there are 99% crew would generally look down on such invitation to swap with (the remaining 1% who would like to swap must have been rostered with Indian flight). As for me, I had been trying my utmost to swap it away since last month, but in vain and the 408 was just like a spirit haunting around me until yesterday.
This flight can be an ok one to every crew member actually. As long as one does not stay up too late at night and gets to bed as early as possible, he or she may have enough sleeping hours (7 to 8 hours in general) to operate the god damn Tokyo turnaround. However, when arriving at the hotel, most of the crew do not go back to their room, take a shower and hit the sack straightforwardly, but spend some time enjoying mid-night snacks bought from the nearby snack stalls or watch TV programs. This could explain the reason why many of them usually feel exhausted and keep yawning when operating the flight.
My 408 flight yesterday was too smooth to be true and I got along so well with other crew members. This time, I also flew together with another Taiwanese classmate, Amanda (but from different induction), sweet and friendly. It’s a pity that we did not have a chance to work in the same Galley. While taking the bus back to our places after returning to Hong Kong around 11 something at night, I shared with her the ludicrous and embarrassing event happening to me in-flight, so funny and making both of us burst into tears. **~too ~ to的用法是指:太…以致於不能/無法…比如:The child is too young to go to school. 這孩子年紀太小以致於無法上學念書。 His mother is too sick to take care of herself. 他的母親已經病到無法自理了。不過,這種用法也可以用來做比喻用途,比如:The news was too goo to be true. 這個消息實在好到令人難以致信。(而不以「這項消息太好了,所以不可信」做解釋) 所以上一段落中提到的那個408航班too smooth to be true即指它實在太順了,順到好像不是真實的一樣,就也是比喻一整個順到不行之意。
我清楚記得那時客人用完飛機上的晚餐後,我依照慣例推著空餐車去收客人的餐盤和垃圾。當我服務到66C的那位日本乘客時,超窘且爆笑的事發生了。我蹲在地上,左右手端著那位日本乘客以及他旁邊客人用完的餐盤;這時那位日本人突然將喝完熱茶的杯子放到我手上的餐盤上。他的動作太突然了,我的雙手又被餐盤等雜物占據,因為不穩,一個不小心,那個杯子就掉了出來,大大的杯口不偏不倚地蓋住那位日本人的「懶趴」上。哈哈~~那個日本人馬上驚訝地發出”Ko le~Ko le (這個~~這個)”的叫聲(他可能擔心裡頭還有茶,會將他的下體給潑溼),而我看到這種情形,則沒有多思考地做出一般人東西掉在地上的反射動作—「將它撿起來」!哈哈哈哈哈~~我怎麼會反應得這麼地「好」,竟然還從他「LP」上將杯子撿起來,然後向他致歉~~現在想起來真的是又糗又好笑。不過還好那個日本人人很Nice,杯中幸好也沒有剩的水,我和他道個歉後他也和我笑笑地說:「Dai Jio Bu, Dai Jio Bu (日文的沒關係)」。不過收那位日本客人後的其他客人的餐盤時,我不時都想起那位日本客人看到杯在蓋住他LP時的驚訝表情和他發出的叫聲,再加上我經典的「處理動作」,我真的邊收他人的餐盤邊笑~~真的太好笑了。
I clearly remember the moment when I routinely pushed an empty food cart for collection of passengers’ trays and trashes after the dinner. When it’s turn to attend the Japanese passenger sitting at 66C , the crazy and embarrassing experience then unexpectedly occurred. I was squatting down to fetch the meal trays and trashes with both hands full, during which the Japanese was putting down a tea and coffee cup on one of the trays in my hand all at once. Since his action was so abrupt that I had little time to notice of and my hands were unstable to hold so much stuff, the cup all of a sudden dropped onto the top of the person’s “MEMBER”, which was then covered by the mouth of the cup. LOL~With surprise, the Japanese uttered “Ko le~Ko le (this~~this~~)”(worrying about his lower body being wetted). Seeing this situation, without a second thought, I reacted instinctively like others would as they drop things on the ground: Pick It Up. LLLOOOOLLLL~~~How the hell would I react so “WELL” like this—picked up the cup from the man’s “MEMBER” before I showed my apology. I still think it so funny and embarrassing even when I am recalling of it now. But the Japanese was a nice person; he was not angry at my action but merely replied me with “Dai Jio Bu, Dai Jio Bu (meaning that’s all right in Japanese)” in a smiling way. Well, afterwards when I continued to collect the rest of the passengers’ dirty trays, the recollection of the sight of a cup covering on the Japanese passenger’s member and my post-event handling made me in stitches all the way along the isle while doing my job. This is really a good one. 說文解字 1). ~ in a blink of an eye:眨眼間~、很短時間之內~
Key Words
2). could not help but + V:不得不~、忍不住~
(=could not help + ving = could not but V = have no choice/alternative/option but to V)
3). grind and bear it:咬緊牙根熬過~、硬著頭皮做某事 (it是固定用法,用以指某事)
4). A be lashed by B:A被B斥責/罵得半死
5). Little wonder = Small wonder = No wonder:難怪~ (其後可以加that或直接用子句)
6). A be quite into B:A對B很感興趣 / 樂在其中。 其它的用法還有大家常用的to be interested in~ 、或者是to take to~、to have a liking for、to enjoy + Ving/N等
7). to hit the sack:睡覺、就寢
8). to look down on~:對~沒興趣、不甩~
9). mid-night snack(s):宵夜
10). ludicrous = hilarious:超好笑的
11). Member在本文中不是指「會員或人員」的意思,而是英文俚語中的「老二、屌、懶趴」之意。其它的好玩用法也可用Organ、Prick、Pride and Joy等,很有趣的。
12). to burst into tears:突然流下淚/哭了出來。 burst into之後是加名詞,如果是突然笑了起來則是用burst into laughter。 若是要使用動詞,則要將哭及動名詞表示,且句子要寫成:burst out crying以及burst out laughing。
13). to make 人 in stitches: