Since school years, I’ve been dubbed as the King of Coldness, coined by Taiwanese teenagers, referred to as someone who is excellent in telling “lame” jokes. The reason is because I’m quite an expert of this sort.
Well, frankly speaking, I’m not so much of a CORNY, or CHILLY (commonly described by Taiwanese when a joke is not amusing enough to the hearers) jokes teller. I oftentimes think on my feet and am always able to associate what I’ve heard with something funny before I can quickly organize my thoughts and then offer a humorous output which I think it might be. However, strangely enough, some would consider my jokes lame, but I, on the contrary, consider these people having no sense of humor.
**consider(認為,考慮)這個字後方如果要加形容詞或名詞時,可以有兩種用法àconsider 名詞 to be 形容詞/名詞或consider 名詞 + 形容詞/名詞。例:I often consider playing basketball alone to be boring/a boring thing (to do) = I often consider playing basketball boring/a boring (to do). 另外,consider這個字是及物動詞,後方如果有動詞得將之變成動名詞的,如本段最後一句得知。
A friend of mine once told me that I do not fit such idiosyncrasy. Actually, my jokes are naturally good ones, but thanks to my born“serious, uprignt-looking”appearance (I was even nicknamed as a revolutionary martyr or Master Luo before due to this characteristic), I’m thus endowed with the ability to “cool down”the atmosphere. But, still I’ve got some fans quite welcoming my out-of-the-blue humor.
Recently, I told another great joke which has a really amusing point to my colleagues~~
**看到很多台灣人會將”這個笑話滿有「哏」”的哏寫成「梗」,但其實是錯的。應該要改成「哏」才是喔!不然你們下回看電視新聞或者是一些節目的subtitle(字幕)便可知曉。而「哏」的英文要怎麼說呢?其實緣自其意,指「有笑點、或有令人感興趣之處」的意思。所以英文則可翻成:amusing point、funny point、或interesting point。
話說我們「味精三人組」(即Megan,Steve,Gillian等我們三個很要好的台灣同事,而味精Monosodium Glutamate的簡寫就是MSG~哈有哏吧)和Vicky是常黏在一起的好伙伴。有一回我和Vicky一起飛時,突發奇想地問了她一個問題,她事後覺得,超級爆冷,但不錯笑~~~
We MSG the Triple (namely Megan, Gillian, and Steve, the three of us close Taiwanese colleagues; MSG standing for the abbreviation of Monosodium glutamate. Funny right?) and Vicky are great fellows. There was one time when I operated a flight with Vicky, I suddenly came up with a brilliant idea and asked her a question whose answer made her felt it a rather lame but a good one.
Steve: Vicky, you know what? My jokes are actually not the lamest ones. Among us Taiwanese crews, do you know who really takes the crown of telling lame jokes?
Vicky: Who?
Steve: That’s Megan.
Vicky: Get out of here. Really? Why?
Steve: This is because her name “Megan”can also be translated into "Mei Geng" in Mandarin Chinese, meaning "no amusing point". LOL~
Vicky: -_- |||
Vicky: Sigh!
Key Words
1). to be dubbed as~:被封為~,被冠上~的外號 (= to be nicknamed as~)
2). to be excellent in~:擅長於~ (= to be good at = to be skilled in = to be excel at/in = to be clever at)
3). lame jokes:冷笑話。我們台灣人常對阿逗仔說Cold或Chilly Jokes是冷笑話,但除非他們在台灣待久了,了解過了,不然大多數的他們是會丈二金剛摸不著頭緒地覺得為何笑話是「冷」的,那一定也有「熱」的笑話囉。所以為了不要讓自己的英文「洋涇浜」,用lame jokes或corny jokes他們比較聽得懂,也就是「不好笑的笑話」之意。
4). to think on one’s feet:如果要指某個人思考敏捷、反應快,可以用此一片語,就是該人是用「腳」來思考的~哈哈!如:Steven really thought on his feet when he was able to quickly answer that tough question asked by his boss in the meeting. Steven的反應不錯,在會議期間可以很快地回應他上司的那個艱難問題。
5). to associate A with B:將A和B聯想在一起
6). strangely enough,~:說也奇怪~、奇怪的是~
7). idiosyncrasy:(某人的)習氣、風格
8). thanks to:由於~ 因為~ (= due to~ = because of~ = on account of~ = owing to~ = as a result of~)這些由於、因為等介系詞片語,使用時通常放在句首或句尾,用來修飾句中的動詞或主要子句。其中due可當做形容詞用,所以due to亦可置於be動詞之後,而其餘則不可。例:Steven’s success is due to his parents’support and encouragement. 史蒂芬的成功是由於他父母的鼓勵和支持。
9). revolutionary martyr:革命烈士
10). characteristic:特質、特徵
11). to be endowed with~:與生俱有~
12). out-of-the-blue:突如奇來的、天外飛來一筆的
13). fellow:同事、伙伴
14). to come up with~:提出、想出(想法、意見、解決方案等)
15). to take the crown of:最精通/擅長於~
16). Get out of here:這個動詞片語字面上以及一般用法是(命令某人)出去的意思。不過在本文中則非也,它可以是中文的「少來」、「真的假的!」等語助詞。