
The irksome STANDBY is coming again.


In addition to flying those lousy flights, standby is what we crews dislike the most also. Averagely, we will be rostered one or two weeks (varying from 4 to 10 hours daily) standby block in order to replenish the shortage of man power (in place of those who report sick or suddenly do not show up for work). During standby period, we cannot do but stay at home because company will call to our homes at any time. If missing any company calls, we will be expecting a report from company.  

** 不得不~、忍不住~的用法,英文的公式為:S + cannot (help) but V / S + cannot help Ving / S + have(has) no choice / alternatives / options but to V。如:因為外頭下大雨,史蒂芬不得不待在家裡。Since it’s raining out there, Steven cannot help but stay at home / cannot help staying at home / has no choice(alternatives/options) but to stay at home.


Passing standby days is no more than passing days in a living hell. Not only can we not go out freely, we will always be anxious about getting any calls as well. Calling to operate a good flight can be soothing to us, while calling us for hideous flights will make us spell out “FOUR-LETTER” languages.  

** not only~, but also這個「不但而且」的片語若放在句首,後方的動詞要倒裝,所以才會出現第二句的àNot only CAN…的句子。


Usually, my colleagues and I will stock up on food for standby block, because we cannot eat out and cooking for ourselves is the most convenient way to quench our hunger. This time, I made a pile of sauced minced meat and was convinced that it would make the best “match” for a standby. With just a bowl of steamed rice or some noodles topped with this home-made dish and a few boiled vegetables, we may conjure up an easy and quick meal.

這個我自己幫它命名的「海陸肉燥 (因裡頭有蝦和豬肉嘛)」真的是美味到凍未條,和大家分享它的做法,超級簡單的喔!  

Dubbed by me as a sauced Surf & Turf Minced Meat, mixed with prawns and pork, this dish is really pleasant to taste. I am now sharing my recipe of this dish with you. It’s super easy to make. 





Ingredients (representing the amount of a large bowl in the picture): green onion, garlic, red chili (may be excluded if you don’t like it), dried Chinese mushroom, minced pork, fresh prawns



Seasonings: 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, 3 tablespoons of thick soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of rice wine, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of chicken powder (may be excluded if you don’t like it) 

400 c.c.  

Water: 400 c .c.




1. Mince all the ingredients. For prawns, remove the dark veins and chop into small lumps.



2. 先爆香蔥、蒜、辣椒,然後放入其它食材炒到半熟,接著加入所有調味料以小火一起拌炒三分鐘,最後加入水燜煮二十分鐘即可。  

2. Stir-fry minced green onion, garlic, red chili first for a little while. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir together to medium well. Add in all the seasonings and stir-fry under low heat. Lastly, pour water and simmer for 20 min. 




This sauced minced meat matches very well with steamed rice and is highly suggested to top on noodles or vegetables, fragrant and delicious.

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