The out-port supermarkets are one of the must-visit places to me since they are great “time-killing” spots, and where a number of novel stuff can be discovered.
**「must-」後頭可以加原形動詞形成一個複合形容詞(後頭通常接某事物或地點當所屬名詞),表「一定要…的~,非…不可的~」。如:the must-visit restaurant:一定要去的餐廳;the must-eat seafood:非吃不可的海鮮;a must-see movie:不可錯過的電影。
I arrived at the hotel in Vancouver at around 11 something (local time, 15 hours behind our time) last night. This afternoon, right after I had finished having lunch with my Taiwanese colleague—Jennifer, who had already come to Vancouver earlier than I, I went to a supermarket nearby to do some grocery shopping as the routine thing I do in out ports.
**第一句的時間單位後頭接「something」是口語的「…點多,如5 something指五點多」。
**do some + Ving是口語用法,表「做點…事」。如:do some shopping:買點東西、do some reading:念點書、do some cooking:煮些吃的。
During my exploration in the SaveOnFoods supermarket, I found something interesting and am posting them below for you to have a look. Let’s guess what they are.
Picture 1: 90 thumb-sized small things are stored in each of that plastic container. They come in different colors and function the same. What exactly are they?
(Hint: They are not food. They can be used everyday for every family, but are not necessarily in the form of the following.)
Picture 2: It’s something palm-sized, which can stand or be hung on the edge of some cooking utensils.
(Hint: haha~should be very easy, no hint for this stuff) 說文解字
The answers will be released soon.
Key Words
1). time-killing:可讓人消磨時間的~ (to kill time則是消磨時間、殺時間的動詞用法)
2). to discover:發現、發掘
3). grocery shopping:食品雜貨的採購
4). routine:例行性的
5). to post:貼上 (post-it這一個複合名詞即指我們常用的隨意貼便條紙)
6). thumb:姆指 (文中其後頭接-sized是個複合形容詞的用法,指姆指般大小的)
7). to come in~:以…的形式呈現、包含…的類形
8). function:起作用(V)
9). palm:手掌 (文中其後頭接-sized是個複合形容詞的用法,指手掌般大小的)
10). to hang:本文指掛起來之意(過去式及過去分詞為hung),若指絞死或吊死時,它的過去式或過去分詞則為hanged
11). cooking utensil:烹飪器具