When in New Zealand , if someone tells you that he just saw a kiwi hopping away, he was not joking. The kiwi he mentioned was not the fruit with golden or green flesh and brown hairy skin known to everyone but a bird endemic to New Zealand .
Today, I’m going to introduce you one of the national symbols of New Zealand —the Kiwi Bird.
On my last flight to Auckland , I went to some souvenir stores, shopping for something local and interesting. I found an array of products made in the form of kiwi or with the icons of this bird, which suddenly intrigued me to find out more about it.
** 上述…, shopping…這裡逗號後直接用Ving是因為省略了連接詞「and」,而此用法有與逗點前的描述同時間進行,也就是邊(做)…邊(做)…的意思。
Let’s take a look at the background knowledge about kiwi printed on the tag of a kiwi product below, which gives us an insight into the bird.
From the description above, we know how special and unique a kiwi is. It’s one of the very small number of birds which cannot fly and only active in the night. New Zealand is the only home to kiwi and they are now on the brink of extinction. You can see how cute it is from the picture below. So, let’s try to protect this little, cute bird from disappearing.
Key Words
1). to hop:跳躍
2). flesh:(水果的)果肉
3). hairy:多毛的
4). endemic:某地特有的 後常+ to 地方
5). souvenir:紀念品
6). an array of:各式各樣的 (= a variety of = various of)
7). icon:圖案
8). to intrigue:激起…的好奇心或興趣
9). tag:標籤
10). insight:洞悉、了解 ~ into… 更加了解…
11). nocturnal:夜行性的
12). flightless:不能飛的、無法飛行的
13). beak:(鳥的)嘴、喙
14). nostrils:鼻孔
15). species:(生物的)種類
16). endangered:快要絕種的
17). be home to:某地特有的 如:Taiwan is home to beef noodles.台灣是牛肉麵的故鄉
18). on the brink of:瀕臨…的
19). extinction:絕種