

You know what, this Incheon flight was the most amazing Korean flight I’ve ever operated.  


Knowing that I was rostered the “legendarily golden Korean flight”, the 3-day Icheon Flight, I was in a real state of bliss, because I could have almost a whole day to get a glimpse into this South Korea’s third largest metropolis, after Seoul and Busan. “Incheon” is home to the country’s largest airport, Incheon International Airport , and has transformed into a global business hub centered around the high-tech and futuristic Songdo International City.

我的住房  My room


是的,我們公司的組員就是被安排住在松島國際城(又稱為松島新城、松島新都)內。真的灰常幸運可以造訪松島這個地方,因為它將在2014年成為東北亞中全球最宜人居住的未來都市和領導性的商業樞紐。松島和仁川國際機場以全球第五長的斜張橋相連,城內也擁有南韓最高的大樓東北亞貿易大樓(305呎高)。過去在2003年開發前曾是荒蕪之地的它,現在不但因為這兩項知名的地標而聞名,且由於其正逐漸被規劃為世界最大的「無所不在都市(ubiquitous citiesU-city)」,使得它越來越家喻戶曉。而這所謂的「無所不在都市」即整個都市區的主要資訊系統(諸如住宅、醫療、商務、政府單位等)皆可共通分享數位資料和電腦網絡,並整合在各房舍、街道、以及辦公大樓內。松島將成為一個非常高科技和環保趨向的地方,也可以「亞洲的曼哈屯」稱之。  

Yes. It is in the Songdo International City ( New Songdo City ) where the crews of my company are now accommodated. I feel quite lucky to have a chance to visit Songdo, for it will have been built as the world's most livable and futuristic city and the leading global business hub in Northeast Asia by 2014. Linking the Incheon International Airport with the fifth longest cable-stayed bridge in the world and owning South Korean’s tallest building, Northeast Asia Trade Tower ( 305m ), Songdo, used to be a barren land before being developed by 2003, is not only popular due to these famous landmarks but is also becoming more and more well-known nowadays since it is now being built into the world’s largest “ubiquitous city” (U-city) where all major information systems (residential, medical, business, governmental and the like) share digital data, and computers network and are integrated into houses, streets and office buildings. It will be a very high-tech and green-friendly district and can be called as a Manhattan of Asia.

美麗的松島新都  The beautiful New Songdo City



This website will show you details about Songdo International City  



當走在松島街上時,可以感受到強烈的蓬勃發展氣息。一棟棟正在興建中的摩登大樓、四處可見的高科技巧思、和夢想之城(Dream City)區內的舒活氣息如實展現了這未來都市的起始風貎。  

Walking on the streets of Songdo, you can sense intense thriving air. The modern buildings under construction, the mushrooming high-tech touches, and the lively atmosphere in the Dream City zone vividly demonstrate the beginning prospect of the city of the future.

夢想之城及好吃的餐廳  The Dream City and the good restaurants there

逛超市:右上-->韓國超市超多有的沒有的辣醬說; 中右-->很特別包裝的咖啡奶; 下左-->不同的韓式煎餅粉, 我也買了一包回來做; 右下-->很多組員都會到韓國買生生麵   Hanging around in the Korean Supermarket: Upper-right-->Diversified Korean chili sauce; Middle-right-->Specially-packed coffee milk; Lower-left: Diversified Korean Pancake Powder. I also bought one back and want to cook for myself; Lower-right-->Many crews like to buy the Korean Sheng-Sheng Noodles. 

這家餐廳有名的韓式煎餅超正  The Korean Pancake in this restaurant is really yummy.


另一項讓俺爽到爆的事是,就在原定回程的前一晚,我突然收到公司的通知,因為機型轉換的關係(原來回程的機型從Airbus 330轉成Airbus 34B),要我在此多待一晚。因為我在34B內會成為多餘的組員,所以得被調到下一班回程的330去做完整的人力配置飛回香港(可能我是年資最輕的,所以才調我)。天哪!原來的三天仁川變成四天,這真是棒透了;可以多一天的時間逛松島,且重要的是,外站津貼也多一倍說。酷斃了~~  

One more thing that made me feel on top of the world was that on the night before my scheduled departure day, I was suddenly informed to stay for another night due to the fact that the aircraft was changed (Airbus 330 to Airbus 34B) and I became the additional crew who needed to join another flight, Airbus 330, for the complete crew deployment to fly back to Hong Kong (perhaps I was the most junior one so as to be pulled out from the previous team). My God! The 3-day ICN flight becoming the 4-day one was terribly awesome since I had another full day to explore Songdo and, most importantly, the allowance was doubled. Cool~~  

拿著飯店給的優待卷和台灣組員海倫到飯店的Bar喝一杯,有點小醉說!   Using the cupon from the hotel to have a cup of drink with Taiwanese crew-Helen in the hotel bar. I was a bit drunk.



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