學校網址School Homepage: http://www.ncl.ac.uk/
About three years ago, I could have been a student of Newcastle University in England to pursue Phd degree in Educational and Applied linguistic, but it ended up a dream eventually. Though a dream, it’s the sweetest and most meaningful one ever.
In order to apply for a teaching position in college, it seems to be a must to have a Phd degree nowadays, and that’s why 4 years ago I decided to earn a Phd degree so that I could be qualified to teach English in the free-style college teaching environment. From year 2005 to 2007, I applied for Newcastle University ’s Phd program of Education and Applied Linguistic twice, and successfully got the place with a small amount of scholarship offered by the school for both of the applications. Who knows, I had to decline both the offers due to some family conditions and the degree finally turned out to be just a dream. Pity? Not at all~ I quite enjoyed undergoing the memorable preparation session for the application, and at least I made it. I always believe every choice is the best choice in my life. Having lost the opportunity to be a college professor doesn’t bite; most importantly, I’m convinced that I’m perfectly doomed to experience this so that I can explore and obtain more surprises in my life.
Though having not been able to study in Newcastle University upon Tyne, I can at least now be fulfilled with such passion through the photos taken by Lee, one of the friends I knew on my blogger, who just now got his MA degree from Newcastle University . It is so kind of him to take the beautiful photos of the School for me to show me how the School, used to have a close link to me, looks like. It’s so lucky to know you and thank you so much.
What kind of school is Newcastle University and what the hell is the place called Newcastle-upon-tyne ? Let me tell you in the following paragraphs briefly.
新堡大學又名泰茵河畔的新堡大學,它是英國最素負盛名的大學之一,就座落於英格蘭東北方泰茵河畔的新堡市上。新堡大學連續好幾年被泰晤士報的最佳大學指南以及星期日郵報評為英國前二十名頂尖大學,而且也同時被Times Higher Education和QS兩報刊列為世界前兩百大的大學。
Newcastle University , also named Newcastle University upon Tyne, one of the most prestigious universities in England , is located in the city of Newcastle upon Tyne in the North East of England. It has even been ranked by the Times Good University Guide and the Sunday Times as the top 20 universities of UK for a successive years; in addition, the University is ranked in the global top 200 universities in both the Times Higher Education (THE) and QS rankings.
您知道嗎?很多的台灣人當要選擇到英國就讀時都會考慮新堡大學喔。這所學校不貴,有名氣,而且新堡市也是公認的一個到英國各處都很方便的樞紐(搭火車到倫敦只要三小時,到愛丁堡只要一小時;離新堡國際機場也只有 十公里 遠)。新堡大學一開始是一所1834年創立的醫藥和外科學院,也因此一直以來該校的醫學相關領域都享譽學術界。其它像是商業、教育、以及口筆譯等系所也吸引不少國際學生前來就讀。它的口筆譯研究所(齊同英國巴斯大學的口筆譯研究所)更是那些想要成為專業口譯和筆譯人員進一步深造的理想的系所。我的一些學長姐和老師都是從這裡畢業的。
You know what, a number of Taiwanese students, when determining the school in the Britain for further education, would take Newcastle University into consideration. It is inexpensive, famous, and that the Newcastle city is widely regarded as the hub to easily get to other parts of the Britain (3 hours to London by rail; 1 hour to Edinburgh by rail; 10 kilometers away from Newcastle International Airport ). In its history, the University was firstly established as a School of Medicine and Surgery in 1834, and thus the medical fields have been academically popular since then. Other programs such as Business, Education, and Translation&Interpreting also attract tons of international students to pursue their higher studies. It’s translation&Interpreting MA program has even become the most ideal and target program, together with that of Bath University , for those who are interested in becoming professional translators or interpreters in their future career. Some of my ex-senior-schoolmates and teachers also got the degree of this program in Newcastle University .
The University is in the center of a lively and cosmopolitan Newcastle city, a fairly inexpensive place for students to live compared with many other places in the UK . This is also the main reason, besides the above said high academic reputation, explaining why I would like to choose it for further education since the fees including the living expenses, tuitions, etc. are lower and it’s pretty convenient to get articles you want for daily use.
當提到新堡呀,俺可以和您分享許多該地區的主要特色。您知道傳說中新堡是英國首釀啤酒的都市嗎?那兒的啤酒文化盛行,Newcastle Brown Ale啤酒更是世界有名。您有喝過嗎?再者,如果您到了這個僅次於倫敦的英國第二大都市,您不會想要克制花大錢的慾望的,因為這裡Pubs、餐廳、和劇院到處都是;Eldon Square和Metro Centre也是當地會讓您敗家的兩個號稱歐洲最大的購物和娛樂中心。這些在在說明了為何每年都有數以百萬計的人擁入新堡,他們享純醉是想要想樂和購物而已,我也認為您一定也會覺得在當地省錢是不智之舉。另外,那些莎士比亞迷們也會覺得這泰茵河畔新堡是個值得一訪之處,因為世界最知名的劇團之一皇家莎士比亞劇團>在英國三處上演莎士比亞劇的主要據點(倫敦、史坦福、新堡)就選擇新堡為定期演出的地點。
Well, when it comes to Newcastle , there are a lot of its characteristics I can tell you. Do you know Newcastle was legendarily know as the first place in England to brew beer? It’s beer culture is so popular and the brand called Newcastle Brown Ale is even world-wide celebrated. Have you ever tasted it? What’s more, if you are here in this second largest city, next to London , in England , you won’t be able to hold back your desire for splashing out as pubs, restaurants, theaters are everywhere. It also boasts of the Eldon Square and Metro Centre as two of the largest shopping and recreational center in Europe , and they will make you lose your control in budget. This unveils the fact that millions of visitors flock into Newcastle just for fun and shopping and I’m sure you will not consider saving money is a good idea. Moreover, People who are big fans of Shakespeare dramas will find it worth paying a visit to Newcastle-upon-Tyne because the city has been chosen by the Royal Shakespeare Company, one of the world’s best known theatres, as the three major spots in the Britain in addition to London and Stratford to periodically perform impressive Shakespeare plays.
Other iconic features such as Newcastle Tyne river and Gateshead Millennium Bridge , and the Angel of the North sculpture are what leave visitors with great impression on Newcastle .
So, plan to see a different image of the Britain or go after your further education in a noted academy but don’t wanna spend a lot of money? Newcastle-upon-Tyne will be your best choice.