這個是蝦咪碗糕呢? What do you think they are used for?
Well, like what I do as usual in Sydney whenever I operate the flight to this beautiful city, I never miss a chance to taste the delicious seafood in its “Fish Market” and to take glimpse of the beautiful scenery around the “ Darling Harbor ”.
This time, I did nothing new. Many of you said that I’m not much of a socialized person, well, but, frankly speaking, every revisit to same places gives me different feelings.
Fish market is a must-visit spot in Sydney , where you are catered to a variety of seafood. You may name it. Check out the pictures below, and you will know how delicious the food are and how hungry I was when I saw so much delicious seafood displayed in front of me.
**.第一句:…., where…的這個where是意指地點的關係副詞(代替the place where或the place which),引導後方的子句。而逗點後的where可指前面的名詞或一整個句子,但從上文來看,是指整句之意。
這家優格店的優格也是超好吃的說~份量很大喔. You should try this yougurt also in the Fish Market. It's super delicous, and the portion is huge.
Watching night views around Darling Harbor is always the first thing I would do when I fly to Sydney . Look at the pictures below and you will know how romantic it is when sitting at the harbor in the evening with fantastic night views just nearby.
**.第一句…the first thing S + V是指某人最想、最有可能做的事。而…the last thing S + V則剛好相反。
你知道嗎?本篇的重點來啦!下圖中,要讓大家猜猜我想問你們的一個關於圖片的問題。我在魚市場的一家手工藝店看到這個小東西,是一組幾顆骰子狀的石頭包裝在一起的小東西。你們知道這些小石子的用途嗎?(提示:非食物) 要把想像力發揮到極致喔! 猜對的第一個人可以獲得我在外站買的精美小禮物喔。
You know what, here comes the main point of this blog. I would like you to make a guess at the answer on the question I’m gonna ask you related to the picture in the following. I found this small, interesting stuff in a handcraft shop in Fish Market. There are dice-shaped rocks packed together for a special purpose. Do you know what they are used for? (Hint: they are not edible) Try to exert your imagination to greater extent. The first person who figures out the answer may get a special souvenir I bought from an out-port.
(Best Ed)
Key Words
1). as usual:像平時一樣、通常
2). to take glimpse of~:看一看、瀏覽
3). spot:地點、景點
4). You may/can name it:應有盡有、你說得出來的都有。
5). to make a guess at~:猜猜看
6). dice:骰子