


Prompted by a sudden impulse, I felt like going to Lamma Island for a visit with my friend today.  



I’ve been staying in Hong Kong for nearly 4 years, but haven’t had any chance to see exactly what Lamma Island is like. Oftentimes, I heard from my colleagues how special the Island is, how beautiful the views on the Island are, and how tasty the seafood there can be. Well, today I’ve just made up my mind to give my first try with my friend to hang around the Lamma Island.  



Lamma Island is Hong Kong’s third largest island. In contrast to the hustle and bustle Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, Lamma Island seems to be more peaceful and tranquil, with relatively natural scenery. Tourists here are mainly for mountain hiking, boat cruising, checking out those alleys and streets with special architectural designs and shops(there are a number of foreigners residing here, so western and Chinese style architectures and restaurants are interlaced here. Very interesting~), and eating delicious seafood. My itinerary today was firstly hanging out on the streets, then moving on to mountain hiking, and finally to having a bit of yummy seafood.



To get to Lamma Island, you need to take the MTR to Central Station, and then walk to Central Pier to take the ferry to either Yung Shue Wan (if you plan to hang around the streets and go for mountain hiking first) or Sok Kwu Wan (if you plan to eat tasty seafood before you move on to your mountain hiking and street hang-out schedule). Each ferry service takes around 25 min. My friend and I chose to go to the Island in the afternoon and we planned to eat the seafood for dinner, so we chose Yung Shue Wan and began street hang-out and mountain hiking firstly.


山路上有個阿婆豆花,山友們走累了,都會來這邊光顧一下,豆花很好吃喔! Along the mountain trail, you will find a Grandma bean curd soup stand, sold by an old lady. Many hikers will stop by the stand and rest for a while for a bowl of the soup, really tasty. 

島上沒有任何的汽機車或公車鐵路什麼的,唯一的交通工具就是「腳踏車」或「徒步」。我想應該是這裡地小,到哪裡都方便之故吧!反而有車不但不方便駛,還會有空氣污染。No vehicles or any public transportations, such as buses or trains, can be found on the Island. The only transportation tool is “bicycle” or “on foot”. I think this must be because the island is too small and it’s very convenient to get to anywhere within walking distances. On the other hand, driving cars or riding motorbikes may cause inconvenience on streets as well as air pollutions.   

洪聖爺灣及南ㄚ島發電廠 Hung Shing Yeh Beach and Lamma Power Station

吃海鮮很多人都推薦這家天虹海鮮酒家說~和其它家比起來便宜又好吃! This Rainbow Seafood Restaurant is highly recommended. Compared to others, this restaurant is relatively cheap and delicious.

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