正值準備飛名古屋班之際,俺最麻吉的台灣阿哥-“傑瑞力薦我一定得嚐嚐名古屋的名產,當地的有名炸雞-「手羽先(てばさき—Te Ba Sa Ki)」

Right before I got ready for my flying duty to Nagoya, my best Taiwanese senior male crew, Jerry, urged that I go try one of the Nagoya’s specialties-“手羽先(てばさき-Te Ba Sa Ki)", the deep-fried chicken wings of the city.  


手羽先(てばさき—Te Ba Sa Ki)在日文的字面上其實就是雞翅的意思。在日本其實有很多不同的手羽先專賣店,而位於日本名古屋的「手羽先卻是眾多炸雞中的楚翹。到名古屋一定要去吃吃看

てばさき(Te Ba Sa Ki) is literally meant by chicken wings in Japanese. There are a wide range of chicken wings in Japan; however, I’ll say that  Te Ba Sa Ki can be viewed as one of a kind among its counterparts. When in Nagoya, it's a must-eat delicacy.



Jerry told me I could find Te Ba Sa Ki around the hotel where we crew stay in Nagoya and it's just within a stone’s throw. I asked the concierge the location of the shop, then he roughly showed me the way to go there. 



In just about 10 min. walk, I found a Te Ba Sa Ki shop, 手羽先, which is not quite far indeed. I heard this shop had been repeatedly reported in many magazines, so the wings here must be highly recommended. On entering it, a distinctive smell that made my mouth water was suddenly given off. While looking around the interior, I could see it displayed a quaint Japanese-style-bar atmosphere, compact and cozy. Besides, the hospitality of the sellers would satisfy anyone I think as they treated me so warmly when they took my order. Like all the other Japanese people, the kindness and zest of the shop’s sellers were revealed apparently without reservation.


There are numerous  Te Ba Sa Ki branches in Nagoya.  


我點了一人,約五塊的雞翅連同其它我買的小菜回飯店當晚餐吃。哇~這雞 翅雖然小隻,但味道卻非常美味,令人無法抗拒。外表酥脆,裡頭超嫩,且還帶有一種特殊和誘人的香氣,「手羽先炸雞真的名不虛傳  

I order a one-person helping, about 5 pieces of the wings, to go. I enjoyed them, together with other snacks I bought, as my dinner in the hotel room. Wow…though small, the taste was so yummy and irresistible. The wings are crispy on the surface and super tender inside with a special and attractive smell.  Te Ba Sa Ki’s wings live up to their reputation.  



手羽先」炸雞和肯德雞的炸雞不同;它比較小,但美味無庸置疑可令食客們吃了有種飄飄欲仙 熱淚盈眶的感受。  

Unlike the the chicken wings from KFC,  Te Ba Sa Ki’s are relatively much smaller in size. But, I can say the deliciousness will no doubt make gourmets feel like walking on air and bringing tears to their eyes 


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