

Not all of the Indian flights are lousy ones. The Mumbai flight is one of the exceptions.


Of the most of the flights in my company, I like Indian flight least of all. The main reason for this lies in the fact that many Indian passengers are so demanding, always making us exhausted and busy, and their etiquette fails to be up to our expectation. But after operating "HKG-BOM-DXB-BOM-HKG" flight pattern, on the contrary, I will consider swapping for it again.

**S + like…least of allà最不喜歡例:I like winter least of all. 我最不喜歡冬天了。


The four-day Lay-in-Bombay and Dubai-Shuttle Mumbai flight happens to be the favorable one among other Indian flights because most of the passengers on this flight are usually well-educated and business-oriented with less-demanding attitude, and the allowance for this flight pattern is very attractive. As for the other Indian flights such as the Delhi or the Lay-in-Bangkok and Bombay-Shuttle flights are relatively different than the above-mentioned one, imposing a dreadful and shocking feel to crews and all the way keeping us away from them.


I felt quite enjoyable to operate this flight, during which the crews were nice, passengers were great, and foods were wonderful. Though a seemingly long six-hour journey (from Hong Kong to Mumbai), this one ended up as an extremely smooth flight due to the gentle passengers with few requests and good crew members who got along well among one another. 

在印度孟買所待的兩天當中,雖然沒有到市中心去走走看看,不過和大部份的組員們(我們所有的BC、機艙服務經理、以及正副機長)到市區一家有名的印度海鮮餐廳(The Times of India)吃海鮮,這家可是我們老總(機艙服務經理)大力推薦的,也是很多組員們公認最好吃的印度海鮮料理餐廳。  

During the two-day stay in Mumbai, I did not travel to its downtown area for sightseeing. Instead, most of us cabin crews, including all of us BCs, In-flight Service Manager, Captain and First Officer, went to a renowned Indian seafood restaurant, the Times of India, to savor typical and delicious Indian seafood. This place was highly recommended by our boss (or ISM, the In-flight Service Manager) and is also recognized as the best Indian restaurant among other crews of my company. 


ISM ordered two huge crabs at one go and each was sized as a man’s breast. Gosh, they were so fresh and tasty. I don’t know what to say. As the one who gets bitten by fine food bug, I felt like entering the paradise of great delicacies when seeing those delicious foods laid out on the table. Moreover, she also ordered for us Indian-flavored deep-fried squids, stir-fried mix vegetables, a huge-sized pomfret, and Indian-style roasted chicken, etc. Loud raves and happy groans ran out continuously from the table of eight. My god, on thinking of such delicious Indian seafood, I am very much worried to have fat chance to taste it again. Well, there is actually one thing barely satisfactory—the location of the restaurant is too far away from our hotel. It usually takes us about 45 minutes even under light traffic condition.

** I don’t know what to say!其字面函意指「我不知道要說些什麼」,但不代表此人腦袋一片空白真不知道要說啥,而是「感動到說不出話來」的意思喔!



在孟買所住的飯店  The hotel we stay in Mumbai

飯店的Buffet式早餐  Hotel's buffet breakfast

飯店的Buffet式早餐  Hotel's buffet breakfast


超級好吃的印度海鮮餐廳  A very nice Indian seadfood restaurant


吃完海鮮後到附近小逛一下.右上為孟買的地標-印度之門, 右下則是轟動一時, 之前被恐怖攻擊的飯店-泰姬瑪哈飯店.  We had a stroll to the nearby area of the seadfoo restaurant. The upper-right picture shows the landmark of Mumbai-the Gate of India. The lower-right picture is the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, once spotlighted due to its previously being attacked by terrists.


Key Words

1). lousy令人討厭的、爛的  

2). Mumbai印度孟買 (Bombay)  

3). demanding要求很多/高的  

4). etiquette禮儀、禮節  

5). impose…to…加諸於~~  

6). dreadful恐怖的、駭人聽聞的  

7). enjoyable享受的、令人歡喜的  

8). to end up as~最後變成~  

9). renowned有名的 (=famous = noted = well-known)  

10). to be recognized as~被公認為~  

11). at one go一口氣地~  

12). get bitten by…bug()上癮  

13). promfret鯧魚 

14). rave極力讚揚  

15). groan呻吟聲  

16). fat chance少有機會

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